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Export metering data

Download your metering and usage data from your Tackle platform for reporting or to use in another system.

Steve Stormoen avatar
Written by Steve Stormoen
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Some companies need usage data for reporting, auditing, or other external use. You can export metering data from Tackle as a CSV file to easily transfer.

  1. In Tackle, click Metering in the left menu.

  2. Use the filters to select the metering records you would like to export.
    ​Important: When filters are applied, the exported data will only include what is visible on the screen.

  3. Click Export CSV to download a file to your computer. The exported CSV will includes the fields shown in the table below.

Column Header


Created at

The date and time (in UTC) that the usage record was submitted to the cloud marketplace.


The cloud marketplace for billing (AWS, Microsoft or Google Cloud).


The reference ID for the customer you billed.


Your buyer's company name.


The ID of your product.


The name of your product (same as the name of your listing).


The metric you are measuring.


The amount of the dimension you are measuring (this is a count, not a price).


The status of the usage record.


The reason for that status.


The time the usage occurred (in UTC).

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