The latest version of the Tackle for Salesforce integration is Version 1.49. Make sure you're on the most up-to-date version. For more information, see our integration upgrade policy below.
To see which version you're currently using, go to Salesforce > Tackle Setup Assistant or Salesforce Setup Panel🔗.
Salesforce integration upgrade policy
Tackle supports only the latest version of our Salesforce managed package. This means:
New features and bug fixes are only available on the latest version of the Tackle Salesforce integration. You must be on the latest version to experience the latest enhancements and fixes.
If you’re on an older version of the Tackle Salesforce integration and are experiencing issues, you must update to the latest version before contacting Tackle Support. Support can only reproduce errors or other issues on the latest version, and they will require you to update before helping you troubleshoot.
To stay informed and upgraded on our latest version of the Tackle Salesforce integration, we recommend you follow these best practices:
Read our Salesforce release notes for the latest upgrades and other news. You can bookmark the notes or check in periodically to keep updated.
Note that Tackle typically releases updates to the integration every 4-6 weeks.
When Tackle releases a new version of the integration, you have a grace period of four (4) weeks to move to the latest version. Make sure to upgrade if you’re not already on the latest version to get the most accurate data and experience.