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Dashboard basics

See how the Tackle dashboard works and track insights as you transact across the cloud marketplaces.

Leslie avatar
Written by Leslie
Updated over a month ago

Tackle Dashboard gives you a near-real-time (within 24 hours) snapshot of your marketplace activity. View your Tackle account activity, like revenue and opportunities sent and received, in one place.

How Tackle Dashboard works

Once your listings go live, use your dashboard to view insights and track things like booked and disbursed gross revenue and other key metrics collected, based on your account activity as you transact through Tackle. On your dashboard, you can:

  • View and track booked and disbursed revenue

  • Monitor the health of your co-sell pipeline

  • Score your sales pipeline and create co-sell opportunities

Use the filter at the top of the page to choose how you want to view the data shown on your dashboard charts. You can filter by marketplace, then choose the time period to view your data. By default, the dashboard uses the calendar year from January 1 to December 31.

To change the setting to display data for the fiscal year:

  1. Click Edit fiscal year.

  2. In the pop-up, select the month you would like to start the year with. Click Save.

  3. Now when you select a time period, the fiscal year will be used for all time periods except the last 12 months. Select the Last 12 months to see the 12 months prior to the current month.


Setting your fiscal year only affects data shown on the dashboard.

Marketplace charts

Booked revenue

Booked revenue is the total contract value for all accepted Tackle offers. This number includes marketplace fees and any payments that your buyer will make as part of their subscription period. Public offers and offers created outside of Tackle are not included.


Booked Revenue is presented in an estimated USD amount with the total contract value of any private offers created in other currencies converted based on the World Bank’s daily rate on the acceptance date.

Disbursed revenue

Disbursed revenue is the sum of all payments received from your Cloud Marketplace partners, for accepted offers minus marketplace fees. Receipt of disbursements depends on the schedule of payments in the contract, and lag time for reporting of disbursement data varies by Marketplace. Only disbursements from Tackle managed listings are included.

Things to know when using disbursed revenue:


Disbursed Revenue is presented in an estimated USD amount with any other currencies converted based on the World Bank’s daily rate on the disbursement date reported by the cloud.

Co-sell charts

Opportunities sent and received

This chart shows the count of inbound (received from a marketplace) and outbound (sent by your team to a marketplace partner) co-sell opportunities.

Inbound opportunities include co-sells that require action, have been submitted, are in review, or are approved or rejected. Outbound opportunities include co-sells that are in review, require action, or are approved or rejected. Draft outbound opportunities are excluded from this chart.


This chart shows the count of inbound and outbound co-sell opportunities by sales stage for the selected cloud marketplaces.

Stages in this chart are:

  • Open: Aggregated count of all opportunities excluding those with a status of Accepted, Declined, Closed-Won, and Closed-Lost

  • Accepted or Declined: Includes opportunities that are either Accepted, or Declined

  • Won or Lost: Includes opportunities that are either Closed-Won or Closed-Lost

All of the above stages exclude opportunities that have a co-sell status not shown above.

Win rate

This chart shows the percentage of inbound and outbound opportunities that completed with a Closed-Won status.

This percentage is calculated by dividing the number of opportunities with a Closed-Won status by the total opportunities (for example: total inbound Closed-Won / total inbound opportunities = inbound win rate).

Marketplace revenue

This chart shows the percentage of all co-sell opportunities that were booked on a cloud marketplace, by marketplace.

This percentage is calculated by dividing the number of marketplace designated Closed-Won opportunities by the total opportunities.

The number of marketplace designated Closed-Won opportunities is determined by opportunities that have the Is this for Marketplace? field marked as Yes.


This chart only shows opportunities from co-sell portals that are connected with Tackle. If you don't see what you expect, be sure Tackle is connected to the co-sell partner portal for that marketplace

How to use Tackle Dashboard

Your dashboard is personalized based on actions you've taken in your Tackle account. The more you set up Tackle to manage your transactions across your marketplaces, the more you'll see and be able to track in one place.

  1. In Tackle, go to the left menu and click Dashboard.

  2. Click the area you want to view. For things like Marketplace Revenue, hover over the data charts to get insights.

  3. Use Get started with… or take other actions quickly in Tackle from this point depending on your business need.

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